COVID-19 Update: Let’s Take a Moment

Tests are scarce, CDC advice is causing whiplash, and hospitals are severely strained. Whew. It’s a lot. However, we need to start thinking about managing these waves long-term with calm, common-sense actions.

• Test if you absolutely need one.

• Stay home when you’re sick plus a few extra days.

• Stay home when others in your house are sick.

• Watch the data, but not every day.

• Stop listening to 3-hour COVID podcasts .

• Stop sending 3-hour COVID podcasts to your family and friends (you are exempt if you're in MY family).

It would take a miracle…

To miss out on the experience of Omicron. Highly transmissible, yet less awful (largely thanks to community immunity), the next few weeks are going to be tough.

Expect another 2-4 weeks of everyone getting sick. The experience of the UK and eastern U.S. states will help inform the anticipated duration of this wave.


Maybe, but probably not. This is not a test EVERYONE for EVERYTHING situation.

If you have symptoms of illness AND you –

• Are going to be around someone who is at risk for serious illness from COVID (e.g., hospitalized, nursing home, cancer patient)

• Are a healthcare provider

• Need to test in order to work or go to school

• You are hospitalized

You are in the group with the highest priority for testing. (Note – this list is not all-inclusive)

If someone in your house HAS COVID (test positive OR symptom positive + exposure to another case), assume everyone in the house has COVID or will very soon. There is little reason to test anyone else in your house. Refer to the image below for specific guidance. For most people – 5 days isolation or quarantine + 5 days masking is sufficient.

The reason for this recommendation is tests are in short supply, healthcare resources are strained, and not everyone truly needs one.


Treat this like a normal viral respiratory illness. Stay home if you’re sick. You wouldn’t go to work or school if you had a fever, were coughing everywhere or felt crummy. If your symptoms align with COVID, follow the duration for isolation stated below.

There are challenges around when COVID tests detect the virus. If an antigen (rapid) test is positive, it’s a positive. If either an antigen or PCR test is negative and your symptoms align with COVID, still assume you have COVID.

School and Daycare

Ugh. It’s tough, parents.

Kids, teachers, or staff who are vaccinated and boosted do not need to quarantine if exposed. Mask usage is recommended for 10 days after exposure.

Kids, teachers, or staff who are sick or have a positive test, regardless of vaccination status, should stay home for five days, return to school if feeling better wearing a mask for another five days.

Hopefully, daycare guidelines will be revised shortly to align with schools.

At the end of the day, we’re all trying. Send love to our healthcare workers. Send love to your public health friends. Send love to each other. Stay happy and healthy!


The Next Phase


COVID-19 Update: Time to BOOST