Long-Term COVID, Vaccine, and Continued Variants

Top of Mind

· Two important studies identified cognitive challenges in adolescents in COVID recovery; the first study found impaired concentration and memory. The second study identified neurologic disease related to SARS-CoV2 infection. https://academic.oup.com/brai.../article/2/2/fcaa205/5998660



· Long-term effects of serious COVID infection include fatigue, weakness, anxiety depression, and sleep difficulties.


· Pay attention to the people you know to reduce individual risk, especially those in your social “bubble”. https://www.statnews.com/.../staying-safe-covid-19-era.../


· In Iowa, 142k doses of vaccine were administered, averaging 4,194 (vaccination started on 12/14). At this rate, it will take almost three years to reach herd immunity percentage estimated at 70. https://idph.iowa.gov/.../COVID19%20Vaccine...

· One lot of vaccine was identified to possibly result in higher-than-expected allergic reactions to the vaccine. Doses from this lot were held back from administration.


Using all available doses instead of reserving some for second doses, as per the majority of US plans, could prevent at least 24% of cases occurring within the vaccination period. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/m20-8137

New Strain – B.1.1.7

· The UK variant B.1.1.7 is in MN, WI, and IL, among more than a dozen other states. https://www.cdc.gov/.../transmission/variant-cases.html

· A detailed description of the COVID B.1.1.7 variant for those who really want to geek out. https://www.nytimes.com/.../coronavirus-mutations-B117...


· COVID illness and quarantine significant impacts teaching capacity in US schools. https://www.nytimes.com/.../pandemic-teacher-shortages...


· A Legislator at the State House tested positive for COVID-19. Require masks. They work. I promise along with ALL of science. https://www.kcci.com/.../legislators-say.../35232347#


Vaccines and Variants


New Strains and Schools