The Surge Continues…
The Surge Continues…
Cases are surging, Iowa is in the worst shape compared to all of its neighbors, hospitalizations and deaths are rising.
Let’s start with the top five MOST IMPORTANT things to do RIGHT NOW
1. Completely avoid sunbelt states. Cases continue to surge in pretty much every state (even Alaska, friends), but southern states are overwhelmed with cases.
2. WEAR YOUR MASK. Wear your mask. Wear your mask. I was not on the mask train at the beginning of this, but literature is resoundingly clear that masks prevent transmission of COVID-19. Have a buff/face covering even when outside so you can cover your face when passing people or just in case.
3. Social distancing still matters. Maintain space. Respect other’s need for space.
4. If you’re a 20-something or 30-something, or really any age, STOP going to bars. Seriously.
5. If you MUST have a graduation or birthday party (which I do not recommend), limit the number of attendees or stagger guests and host outside. Stick with family and close friends.
It’s time to talk about children.
A very large, significant study was recently published in the Emerging Infectious Disease journal. The study examined over 5,000 cases and their 50,000 contacts. The study found children ages 10-19 were able to spread COVID-19 as effectively as adults. Younger children were not without risk, but were much less effective at spreading the disease than any other age group.
This study provides excellent insight into what we need to anticipate for fall school planning. Junior HS and HS age kids will need the same level of protection as a workplace, assuming those kids interact with each other, teachers, and administrators.
Regardless of age, the potential for transmission from AND among younger children to those at high risk for serious illness exists.
Bottomline, children are not immune from this and the sooner we instill the need self-protect (teach appropriate handwashing, face covering, elbow bumping instead of hugs and high fives, and distancing), the better.
Vaccine progress
There are several trials with promising early results. We still have a LONG way to go before any vaccine successfully completes the trial process; however, multiple large studies are underway.
Multiple vaccine candidates are basically an injection of parts of the coronavirus, which cannot cause infection yet still illicit an immune response. Others are using another virus to “deliver” parts of the coronavirus into the body, and fewer are using vaccine types similar to common vaccines.
Be prepared for vaccine doses to be very limited at first, multiple doses may be required for the vaccine to be effective, and it might not last very long (think in terms of how long the flu vaccine lasts).
Stay safe and healthy .