Holiday Warning

CDC reported the single highest number of new COVID-19 cases for the entirety of the pandemic – 54,357. Polk County had well over 100 cases yesterday. We are back in April. This is a novel virus. Many people are getting sick. Yes, we’re there again.

• YOUNG PEOPLE, you are the ones getting sick this time. Take precaution. Stay home. You are not immune.

• Do not go to fireworks shows unless you can stay in your car. Better yet, wait until the fall or next year.

• Do not go to bars, restaurants, parties, or other gatherings. Do not host parties. Being outdoors or simply wearing a mask is not sufficient if you in a large group of people.

• Get takeout. Continue supporting local businesses remotely. Grocery pick up or delivery. Instacart.

• Stay in small groups. Be around family and friends you know. Groups less than 10.

• WEAR. YOUR. MASK. Better still, don’t go to places where you need to wear a mask.

It is going to take time, again, to flatten this curve. Many people are still susceptible to getting very sick from this virus. The actions we take individually protect everyone. We can do this. Be safe this weekend.


Return to School and Sports with COVID-19

